What Spring Brings – 3 Tips for Educators This Time of the Year

What Spring Brings

New beginnings.
Breathtaking sunrises.
Blooming flowers.
Buzzing bees.
And strong student connections!

Spring brings a sense of renewal here in Michigan. Spring for schools has an entirely different meaning. We are cruising through the last section of the textbooks, ensuring our students are prepared for testing and planning the end-of-the-school-year celebrations. The feeling of “new beginnings” traditionally occurs at the start of the school year for educators, but this year feels optimistically different. Spring signifies a revitalization in the classroom. Teachers and students are finding a surge of energy with the warming weather and the end of the school year approaches. Here are three fun ways to embrace the newness of spring in your school:

  1. Take It All In: Look around; beauty is everywhere! Spring is an excellent time for you and your students to engage your senses and truly connect with the world around you. Smell the flowers. No, seriously, smell the flowers. Take learning outside. Lay on the grass and look up. What are the clouds? Name the types as they float by. At this time of the school year, it is essential to care for yourself and those around you.
  2. Reflection: As the school year draws to a close, spring provides an opportunity for reflection and goal setting. Nearing the finish line, now more than ever is a good time to reflect on your achievements and challenges throughout the year and set meaningful goals for the remainder of the school year and beyond. Take a moment right now to reflect on one thing that went really well this school year and ask yourself why. 
  3. Experiences: As the countdown to summer begins, look for ways to build community before the long break. Try to create a memorable experience for your students and families before the end of the year. Plan a service-related trip or on-site event. To quote Maya Angelou, “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” Sending your students off with a strong emotional connection will not only encourage them to return next year, but it may help them to stay engaged with learning over the summer. Families will appreciate the sense of belonging you have provided to their children. Students may remember you encouraging them to read, try something new, or connect with a new friend. Your impact will be a ripple effect for generations!