How Do You Rank at Marketing Your School? Take the Quiz!

The start of school is less than 40 days away. Are your enrollment numbers where you want them to be?

While every school employee should have a hand in the “marketing” efforts, the School Leader is ultimately responsible for driving the success.

Here are some hard facts to consider:

FACT: When it comes to school of choice, competition has never been higher.

FACT: Every student brings with it money from the State.  Without that money, the school cannot provide excellent programs for students.

FACT: Enrollment runs the budget; the budget runs the enrollment.

FACT: The School Leader is responsible for driving recruitment results; for being an excellent marketer.

You may be wondering, “What makes a great student recruiter and school marketer?” Here are 10 characteristics of someone who really understands the power of on-going recruitment and retention.

  1. Understands the importance of marketing and demonstrates passion.
  2. Recognizes and leverages the power of word-of-mouth.
  3. Isn’t afraid to seek help continuously from the marketing resource team.
  4. Puts him/herself in the shoes of a prospective family continuously on all aspects related to the school.
  5. Encourages shared ownership of results among the staff. Each and every person “on the bus” understands the recruitment goals at hand and the list of ways that they can support it.
  6. Understands that perception is reality and marketing is everything.
  7. Keeps both the virtual (website) and physical school always “ready for a showing” – the virtual school is kept up to date on a daily basis and the physical school meets the beautification guidelines.
  8. Understands the school’s place in the competitive market.
  9. Knows his/her target market intimately.
  10. Isn’t afraid to take chances and do whatever it takes to recruit kids (ethically, of course).

What level of school marketer are you? Take the quiz – enter your name and email below and we’ll send it to you.

At Choice, we believe in supporting our School Leaders to properly plan for a successful recruitment season. This means, we help guide the process by providing a marketing plan template that outlines specifically all the steps that are needed to hit enrollment targets along with on-going training on marketing, social media best practices, website support and more.