Our School Partners (page 144)

Choice Schools acts as the superintendent's office, providing a full range and scope of functions for school operations including finance, compliance, marketing, human resources, curriculum and professional development for our school partners.


The Choice Mission & Core Values: Personal Will and Humility

April 23, 2015
Dream. Hope. Opportunity. Our mission gives purpose to encourage dreams, enliven and reinvigorate hope, and empower opportunity for every child, one child at a time. Our mission is deeply rooted in the core values so we can empower all children…

The Choice Mission & Core Values: Personal Will and Humility

April 23, 2015
Dream. Hope. Opportunity. Our mission gives purpose to encourage dreams, enliven and reinvigorate hope, and empower opportunity for every child, one child at a time. Our mission is deeply rooted in the core values so we can empower all children…

FCMA Students Get to Work

April 21, 2015
Four Corners Montessori Academy middle school students in Madison Heights got a taste of professional life by participating in last week’s weeklong internship program! FCMA collaborated with businesses, organizations, schools, and local district courts to provide opportunities for 7th and…

Our partners’ perspective

Choice Schools has created and implemented a vision for every child to learn and grow based on his/her needs. They have instilled this mission in their educators, who strive every day to provide the tools for students to reach their full, unique, and empowered potential and purpose.”

– Lisa Gillon, Principal at Livingston Classical Academy

I have worked with Choice Schools Associates for the last 13 years. The service and support that Choice provides its leaders and schools is top notch. They have figured out a successful formula to support the schools in each facet of operation - human resources, finance, operations, and curriculum and instruction. Their support allows me to focus on the daily operation of my school.”

– Terry Larkin, principal at New Branches Charter School Academy

I could not be happier, prouder, more grateful, amazed, awestruck and relieved by our decision to partner with Choice Schools Associates to operate Ivywood Classical Academy. What an adventure this school has been. Every curveball that came our way we managed to HIT OUT OF THE PARK, thanks to our amazing partnership we have built with Choice. I recommend Choice Schools to anyone who is looking for a trustworthy, competitive, experienced, and mission-driven organization. They are simply the best.”  

- Tyler Horning, Founder and Board President at Ivywood Classical Academy