School Culture

Choice strives to create a positive, learning-focused culture at each of our partner schools. Our goals are as follows:

  • Work with instructional staff to utilize our Character Choices program to teach and support positive character traits in our students. Character Choices is aligned to the Common Core and is integrated throughout the curriculum making it part of each student’s day. Character Choices also has conflict resolution, peace education, and etiquette components, creating an all-encompassing program that helps children develop and gain skills for the future.
  • Develop a collaborative school culture throughout each building that reflects dignity, meaning, and sense of community for the school family.
  • Maintain a safe school environment by implementing the Student Code of Conduct in a fair and consistent manner. Choice also encourages schools to use our Positive Discipline Support Plan, which gives a framework for providing positive and tiered support for children rather than focusing on suspensions for non-violent behaviors.
  • Assist schools in the development of a law enforcement endorsed safe school plan that incorporates violence prevention and safety measures for the entire school community.
  • Install and monitor academy use of the CrisisGo crisis alert system enabling in-the-moment crisis or safety alerts to the school crisis team, school staff, and the central office crisis team.